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School Readiness & Educational Success
- ACES-2: Development and Validation of the Revised Academic Competence Evaluation Scales. PIs: DiPerna, James; Lei, Pui-Wa; & Anthony, Christopher
- Designing Innovative Guided Play Experiences to Empower Parents and Engage Preschool-Age Children in STEM Learning. PI: Bierman, Karen
- Do Children Displaying Different Profiles of Cognitive and Behavioral Self-Regulation Respond Differently to Early Education Programs. PI: Bayly, Benjamin
- Equipping a New Generation of Infant-Toddler Leaders through a Sustainable Peer Coaching Model. PI: Bayly, Benjamin
- Fostering Productive Parent Engagement at School Entry. PI: Bierman, Karen
- Head Start REDI. PI: Bierman, Karen
- Positive, Engaged, Achieving Kids (PEAK) Effectiveness of the Social Skill Improvement System Classwide Intervention Program (SSIS-CIP) in the Primary Grades. PIs: DiPerna, James & Lei, Pui-Wa
Developing Coping & Self-Control
- A Randomized Pilot Study of Brief Intervention Group Support (BIGS): A Tier 2 Intervention for Students with Social-Emotional and Behavioral (SEB) Concerns. PIs: Demaray, Michelle; DiPerna, James; & Malecki, Christine
- ACES-2: Development and Validation of the Revised Academic Competence Evaluation Scales. PIs: DiPerna, James; Lei, Pui-Wa; & Anthony, Christopher
- Brain Mechanisms of Overeating in Children. PI: Keller, Kathleen
- Confirmatory Efficacy of the Building a Strong Identity and Coping Skills Program for Low-Income Adolescents (BaSICS-2). PI: Wadsworth, Martha
- Emerging Relations Between Attention and Negative Affect in the First Two Years of Life (LAnT). PIs: Pérez-Edgar, Koraly; Buss, Kristin; & LoBue, Vanessa
- Do Children Displaying Different Profiles of Cognitive and Behavioral Self-Regulation Respond Differently to Early Education Programs. PI: Bayly, Benjamin
- Maternal Depression Calibrates Infants’ Neuroendocrine, Autonomic, and Inflammatory Stress Responsiveness. PI: Laurent, Heidemarie
- Mindfulness, Neuroscience and Daily Life Study (MiND). PI: Myruski, Sarah & Doan, William
- Mobile Eye-Tracking as a Tool for Studying Socioemotional Development: Threat-Related Attention in a Social Context (iTRAC). PIs: Pérez-Edgar, Koraly; Buss, Kristin; & Borge, Marcela
- Optimizing a Mindful Intervention for Urban Minority Youth Via Stress Physiology. PIs: Fishbein, Diana & Mendelson, Tamar
- Parent-Child Biobehavioral Coregulation and Child Maltreatment Risk. PI: Lunkenheimer, Erika
- Parent Regulation, Engagement, Stress, and Health (PRESH). PI: Lunkenheimer, Erika
- Positive, Engaged, Achieving Kids (PEAK) Effectiveness of the Social Skill Improvement System Classwide Intervention Program (SSIS-CIP) in the Primary Grades. PIs: DiPerna, James & Lei, Pui-Wa
- Preventing Internalizing in Preadolescents Exposed to Chronic Stress (BaSICS). PI: Wadsworth, Martha
- Strong Foundations: Intervening to Promote Co-Parenting and Reduce Father Hazardous Drinking in Expectant Parents. PIs: Eiden, Rina Das & Godleski, Stephanie
- Toward a Unifying Model of Self-Regulation and its Development. PIs: Cole, Pamela & Ram, Nilam
- Using Serious Game Technology to Improve Sensitivity to Eye Gaze in Autism. PI: Scherf, Suzy
Understanding & Overcoming Risk
- Causes and Consequences of Mental Disorders: The Environment and Genetic Influences of Parents on Offspring. Study PI: Keller, Matthew. Penn State PI: Neiderhiser, Jenae
- Characterizing Resilience to Food-Cue Induced Overeating in Children. PI: Keller, Kathleen
- Charting Positive Valence Systems Trajectories in Offspring of Depressed Mothers to Predict Internalizing Symptoms in Early Childhood. PIs: Burkhouse, Katie & Kujawa, Autumn
- Confirmatory Efficacy of the Building a Strong Identity and Coping Skills Program for Low-Income Adolescents (BaSICS-2). PI: Wadsworth, Martha
- Coordination and Dissemination of Technical Assistance to Support Rural Communities, Region 3 Project. PIs: Welsh, Janet & Chilenski, Sarah
- Delta-Beta Coupling and Digital Media Use as Predictors of Anxiety in Adolescence. PI: Myruski, Sarah
- Determining the Functional Brain Networks that Underlie Children’s Overeating and Adiposity Gain. PI: Keller, Kathleen
- Early Growth and Development Study: A Family of Adoption Studies (EGDS). PI: Neiderhiser, Jenae
- Elucidating Mechanisms of Pregnancy’s Protective Effect on Drug Abuse Using Integrated Data Analysis. Study PI: Massey, Suena. Penn State MPIs: Neiderhiser, Jenae and Eiden, Rina Das
- Gene-Environment Interplay Among Modifiable Factors for AD/ADRD: Risk and Resilience Across the Lifespan. Study PI: Reynolds, Chandra. Penn State PI: Neiderhiser, Jenae
- The Healthy Brain and Child Development Study. MPIs: Pérez-Edgar, Koraly & Zgierska, Aleksandra
- Intergenerational Adversity Exposure and Language Acquisition. Study PI: Selin, Claire. Penn State PI: Jackson, Yo
- Intervening with Opioid-Dependent Mothers Living in Poverty: Effects on Mothers’ and Infants’ Behavioral and Biological Regulation. PIs: Eiden, Rina Das & Dozier, Mary
- Investigation of Digital Media Use, Anxiety, and Biobehavioral Emotion Regulation in Adolescents (BOLT). PI: Myruski, Sarah
- Maternal Depression Calibrates Infants’ Neuroendocrine, Autonomic, and Inflammatory Stress Responsiveness. PI: Laurent, Heidemarie
- Maximizing the Impact of Preventive Interventions: Identifying Responders and Non-Responders of an Evidence-Based Intervention for Low-Income Families Using a Person-Centered Approach. PIs: Cooper, Daniel & Wadsworth, Martha
- Mindfulness, Neuroscience and Daily Life Study (MiND). PIs: Myruski, Sarah & Doan, William
- Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms Underlying the Onset of Depression among At-Risk Youth: The Role of Dysregulation in the Negative Valence System. PI: Burkhouse, Katie
- Optimizing a Mindful Intervention for Urban Minority Youth Via Stress Physiology. PIs: Fishbein, Diana & Mendelson, Tamar
- Parent-to-Child Anxiety Transmission in Early Childhood: Capturing In-The-Moment Mechanisms through Emotion Modeling and Biological Synchrony (P-CAT). PI: Pérez-Edgar, Koraly
- A Physiologically Integrated Approach to Studying Mechanisms of Speech Production and Swallow Function in Down Syndrome. PI: Wilkinson, Krista
- Places/Lugares. PIs: Witherspoon, Dawn & Bamaca-Colbert, Mayra
- Prenatal Tobacco and Cannabis Exposure: A Translational Study. PIs: Eiden, Rina Das & Thanos, Payanotis
- Preventing Internalizing in Preadolescents Exposed to Chronic Stress (BaSICS). PI: Wadsworth, Martha
- Reward Responsiveness as a Prevention Target in Youth At Risk for Anhedonia. PIs: Kujawa, Autumn & Burkhouse, Katie
- Temperament, Evolving Emotions, and Neuroscience Study (TEENS). PI: Buss, Kristin
- Translational Neuroscience Perspectives on Substance Abuse Prevention. PIs: Rose, Emma & Fishbein, Diana
The Developing Brain
- Characterizing Resilience to Food-Cue Induced Overeating in Children. PI: Keller, Kathleen
- Charting Positive Valence Systems Trajectories in Offspring of Depressed Mothers to Predict Internalizing Symptoms in Early Childhood. PIs: Burkhouse, Katie & Kujawa, Autumn
- Delta-Beta Coupling and Digital Media Use as Predictors of Anxiety in Adolescence. PI: Myruski, Sarah
- Disentangling Periodic and Aperiodic Neural Activity in the First Two Years of Life: Contributions of Perinatal Maternal Distress on Neurodevelopment and Childhood Psychopathology Risk. PI: Ostlund, Brendan
- The Healthy Brain and Child Development Study. MPIs: Pérez-Edgar, Koraly & Zgierska, Aleksandra
- Identifying Sources of Neurocognitive Heterogeneity in ADHD and Anxiety. PI: Huang-Pollock, Cynthia
- The Influence of Food Insecurity on Reward Neurobiology in Children. PI: Rose, Emma
- Investigating Dynamic Neural Systems Underlying Changing Social Representations of Faces During Development. PI: Scherf, Suzy
- Investigation of Digital Media Use, Anxiety, and Biobehavioral Emotion Regulation in Adolescents (BOLT). PI: Myruski, Sarah
- Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms Underlying the Onset of Depression among At-Risk Youth: The Role of Dysregulation in the Negative Valence System. PI: Burkhouse, Katie
- Parent-to-Child Anxiety Transmission in Early Childhood: Capturing In-The-Moment Mechanisms through Emotion Modeling and Biological Synchrony (P-CAT). PI: Pérez-Edgar, Koraly
- Play & Learning Across a Year (PLAY). PIs: Gilmore, Rick; Adolph, Karen; & Tamis-Lemonda, Catherine
- Reward Responsiveness as a Prevention Target in Youth At Risk for Anhedonia. PIs: Kujawa, Autumn & Burkhouse, Katie
- Social and Academic Problems in ADHD: The Role of Implicit and Explicit Learning. PI: Huang-Pollock, Cynthia
Parenting & Family Life
- Charting Positive Valence Systems Trajectories in Offspring of Depressed Mothers to Predict Internalizing Symptoms in Early Childhood. PIs: Burkhouse, Katie & Kujawa, Autumn
- CoParenting, Infant Sleep, and Infant Development (SIESTA-FF). PI: Teti, Doug
- COVID-19: Maternal and Child Health Outcomes in Diverse Pennsylvania Communities. PI: Sznajder, Kristin
- Fostering Productive Parent Engagement at School Entry. PI: Bierman, Karen
- The Healthy Bodies Project. PI: Francis, Lori
- Neighborhoods and Development: New Approaches for a Changing America. PIs: Witherspoon, Dawn & White, Rebecca
- Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms Underlying the Onset of Depression among At-Risk Youth: The Role of Dysregulation in the Negative Valence System. PI: Burkhouse, Katie
- Optimizing a Mindful Intervention for Urban Minority Youth Via Stress Physiology. PIs: Fishbein, Diana & Mendelson, Tamar
- Parent Regulation, Engagement, Stress, and Health (PRESH). PI: Lunkenheimer, Erika
- Parent-to-Child Anxiety Transmission in Early Childhood: Capturing In-The-Moment Mechanisms through Emotion Modeling and Biological Synchrony (P-CAT). PI: Koraly Pérez-Edgar
- Parenting, Child Sleep, and the Transition to Kindergarten (SIESTA-K). PI: Teti, Doug
- Positive Youth Development in Diverse Communities. PIs: Welsh, Janet & Chilenski, Sarah
- Prenatal Tobacco and Cannabis Exposure: A Translational Study. PIs: Eiden, Rina Das & Thanos, Payanotis
- Strong Foundations: Intervening to Promote Co-Parenting and Reduce Father Hazardous Drinking in Expectant Parents. PIs: Eiden, Rina Das & Godleski, Stephanie
- The Role of Parenting in Infant Sleep Regulation and Sleep Problem Risk (SIESTA). PI: Teti, Doug
Research Support & Training
- COVID-19: Maternal and Child Health Outcomes in Diverse Pennsylvania Communities. PI: Sznajder, Kristin
- Creating the Next Generation of Scholars in Child Maltreatment Science. PIs: Jackson, Yo & Schreier, Hannah
- Databrary: An Open Video-Based Data-Sharing System for Developmental Science. PIs: Gilmore, Rick & Adolph, Karen
- Families Interested In Research Studies (FIRSt) Database
- Prevention and Methodology Training (PAMT) Program. PIs: Maggs, Jennifer & Lanza, Stephanie