Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts
The Role of Parenting in Infant Sleep Regulation and Sleep Problem Risk (SIESTA)

The Role of Parenting in Infant Sleep Regulation and Sleep Problem Risk (SIESTA)

Headshot of Douglas M Teti
PI: Doug Teti


Administered in: College of Health and Human Development


Project SIESTA (Study of Infants’ Emergent Sleep Trajectories) draws from previous research demonstrating linkages between sleep disruption in childhood and developmental delays in cognitive development and behavior problems in children. Although these linkages are well-established for children in the preschool years and beyond, very few studies have examined these links in infancy, nor are the reasons for these relations well-understood. Project SIESTA is a longitudinal study of (1) linkages between infant sleep quality during the first two years and infant socioemotional development (e.g., quality of infant-parent attachments, infant behavior problems and behavioral competencies); (2) how parenting of infants at bedtime and night time (from video-recordings), beginning at1 month of age through 24 months, affects the development of infant sleep quality over time; (3) the intersection of parenting practices, parenting quality, and infant sleep in predicting infant developmental outcomes and stress reactivity (diurnal cortisol activity) across the first two years of life. Project SIESTA also examines how parental behavior at bedtime and night time predicts infant functioning during the day. SIESTA is funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Project SIESTA has several co-investigators from Penn State’s departments of HDFS (Cindy Stifter, Mike Rovine) and Psychology (Pamela Cole), Hershey Medical Center’s Department of Pediatrics (Ian Paul), and one investigator from the University of California, David (Thomas Anders).

Additional Faculty:

Headshot of Pamela Cole
Pamela Cole Psychology
Headshot of Ian Paul
Ian Paul Pediatrics Hershey Medical Center
Headshot of Mike Rovine
Mike Rovine Health and Human Development
Headshot of Cynthia Stifter
Cynthia Stifter
Professor Emeritus
Headshot of Thomas Anders
Thomas Anders Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute

Research Support:

Headshot of Brian Crosby
Brian Crosby Postdoctoral Fellow
Headshot of Corey Whitesell
Corey Whitesell
Project Coordinator

Graduate Students:

Group photo showing lab personnel.

From left to right: Corey Whitesell, Lauren Philbrook, Grace Rhee, Brian Crosby, Ni Jian, Bo Ram Kim, Mina Shimizu, Brandon McDaniel, and Jon Reader

From Penn State Harrisburg:

  • Alexia Hozella