Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts
CSC Welcomes Koraly Perez-Edgar to Penn State

CSC Welcomes Koraly Perez-Edgar to Penn State

The CSC welcomes Koraly Perez-Edgar to the Department of Psychology at Penn State! Koraly is the newest member of the Developmental Psychology faculty. Koraly received her Ph.D. from Harvard University, where she worked with Dr. Jerome Kagan. Her work with Dr. Kagan focused on behavioral inhibition and its neural correlates. Koraly then completed a post-doctoral fellowship with Nathan Fox at the University of Maryland. After completing her fellowship, Koraly moved into a faculty position at George Mason University in Fairfax,Virginia.

Koraly is interested in kids who are temperamentally extreme in measures of behavioral inhibition as many of these children go on to have increased levels of social anxiety disorders. Her current research examines how attention moderates the relationship between early temperament and later anxiety, with a particular focus on the underlying psychophysiological and neural correlates of those three. She is particularly interested in working with children who are temperamentally extreme. Koraly is especially excited to work at Penn State because of the support and enthusiasm for interdisciplinary collaboration. We look forward to working with her here at the CSC!

Headshot of Koraly Pérez-Edgar