Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts
Dr. Laurence Steinberg presented the Child Study Center 2015-2016 Lois Bloom lecture September 22

Dr. Laurence Steinberg presented the Child Study Center 2015-2016 Lois Bloom lecture September 22

Adolescence now lasts longer than ever, and the adolescent brain is surprisingly malleable. These new discoveries make this time of life crucial in determining a person’s ultimate success and happiness. In this lecture, Laurence Steinberg will discuss the teenage brain’s potential for change, the links between brain development and risk-taking in adolescence, the elongation of adolescence as a developmental stage, and the implications of each for how we parent, educate, and understand young people.

Dr. Steinberg is a nationally and internationally renowned expert on psychological development during adolescence. His research has focused on a range of topics in the study of contemporary adolescence, including adolescent brain development, risk-taking and decision-making, parent-adolescent relationships, adolescent employment, high school reform, and juvenile justice.

View the program flyer.

Headshot of Laurence Steinberg