The Strumpf Scholar Award, provided by the Linda Brodsky Strumpf Liberal Arts Centennial Graduate Endowment, recognizes outstanding achievement and promise in areas of research supported by the Child Study Center. Students who receive the Strumpf Scholar Award show innovation and promise in their own research, often have multiple lines of research, and have begun the process of sharing this work with the child psychology research community via presentations and often publications. Selected graduate students are provided with two years of summer support, as well as additional funds for research-related costs.
We are pleased to announce the 2017 Strumpf Scholars: Hilary Galloway-Long, a Child Clinical Psychology graduate student, and Chang (Cecilia) Liu, a Developmental Psychology graduate student.
Hilary Galloway-Long |
Chang (Cecilia) Liu |
Hilary’s research focuses on examining challenges in translating modern research methods into clinically applicable assessment tools for use with children’s attention issues. In 2010, she received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon. After obtaining her degree, she worked as a Research Assistant and Data Manager at the Oregon Health & Science University under Dr. Joel Nigg, Professor of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Behavioral Neuroscience. In 2016, Hilary received her Master of Science in Clinical Psychology at Penn State. She is first-author on one publication and has co-authored several. She has extensive clinical and research experience, has been a teaching assistant for the last four years, and has received several travel awards. Her mentor is Dr. Cynthia Huang-Pollock. The Strumpf Scholar Award will allow Hilary the opportunity to expand her current assessment skills through a collaboration with Dr. Kristina Neely, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, and her Brain and Behavior lab. Hilary plans to investigate movement neuroscience, i.e., how the brain controls movement. She also plans to spend time studying neuropsychological measures collected within the Brain and Behavior lab, as well as functional and structural MRI and DNA data. The Strumpf Scholar Award will assist Hilary by facilitating her dissertation research and by helping her develop this work into a fulfilling career path focused on serving the needs of both researchers and clinicians.
Cecilia received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Beijing Normal University, China, in 2013 and her Master of Science in Developmental Psychology from Penn State. Her research focuses on the mechanisms and processes underlying child development within the context of their social interactions, particularly in regard to anger and aggression development in children. She uses an interdisciplinary approach utilizing behavior genetics and dynamic systems analysis. Her mentors are Dr. Jenae Neiderhiser and Dr. Ginger Moore. As a graduate student, Cecilia has been first author on one publication and second author on another. She has presented many papers and posters across the United States, in China, and in South Africa. She is currently working on three separate projects to further her research in behavior genetics and two projects to further her knowledge of dynamic systems analysis. Cecilia feels the Strumpf Scholar Award will allow her to accomplish her short term goals by providing her with the time needed to continue high-quality interdisciplinary research work with her mentors. She plans to practice her skills in advanced statistics on dynamic systems analysis and to conduct a cutting-edge and rigorous dissertation project that helps integrate her knowledge in behavioral genetics and dynamic systems theories. By examining the mechanisms underlying child development and the co-varying effects with other systems to help clarify possible causal pathways of the processes underlying development, she believes she will be better prepared to pursue an academic research career in development science.
Please join us in congratulating Hilary and Cecilia!