The Linda Brodsky Strumpf Liberal Arts Centennial Graduate Endowment provides funds to support graduate students in the Department of Psychology’s Child Study Center. Part of this fund is used for the Strumpf Scholar Award. The Strumpf Scholar Award recognizes outstanding performance and excellence in graduate studies, in areas of research aligned with the Child Study Center.
We are pleased to announce the first two Strumpf Scholars, Adriene Beltz and Kristine Marceau.
Adriene Beltz is an outstanding graduate student finishing her second year of study in developmental psychology. Her research interests are in developmental neuroscience, particularly the neural substrates of adolescent risk. She plans to use Strumpf funding to attain additional computer software and training she needs to develop an fMRI study that will form the basis for her dissertation. Adriene’s primary mentor is Dr. Sheri Berenbaum.
Kristine Marceau is an outstanding graduate student finishing her second year of study in developmental psychology. Her research focuses on the mechanisms that underlie the development of behavior problems, particularly gene-environment interplay and the reciprocal interactions between neuroendocrine functioning and family relationships. Kristine plans to use the Strumpf funds to support the development of a grant proposal to the National Institutes of Health for her dissertation funding, and also to support professional networking at several national conferences. Kristine’s primary mentor is Dr. Jenae Neiderhiser.