Patricia Tan

Patricia Tan – known as Trish by many at the CSC -- became interested in the influence of experience on neural maturation and the implications for the development of individual competencies while completing her bachelor's degree in neuroscience and developmental science at Duke University. With a desire to help children, she was attracted to the Clinical Psychology program at Penn State because of its focus on training, its integration of developmental concepts to inform clinical practice, and the opportunities for collaboration. In 2008 she completed her masters’ thesis, which examined the relations between a child’s temperament and developing emotion regulation skills. At the Child Study Center, Patricia worked under the mentorship of Dr. Pamela Cole and valued the opportunity to be involved in the “Development Across Domains” project as a research team member. Trish was awarded an NIH dissertation fellowship and chose to focus her research on the development of emotion regulation and its implication for the treatment and prevention of child internalizing disorders. She completed a clinical internship at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Upon final completion of her NIH dissertation fellowship, she completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Pittsburgh. Now an assistant professor at the UCLA School of Medicine, Trish is investigating the links between attentional and emotional regulation in pediatric anxiety disorders.
We wish Patricia well in her future endeavors!