Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts
2022-2023 Speaker Series

2022-2023 Speaker Series

Headshot of Cynthia García Coll

Cynthia García Coll, Ph.D.

Charles Pitts Robinson and John Palmer Barstow Professor Emerita, Brown University
Adjunct Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Puerto Rico

Headshot of Cynthia García Coll

Cynthia García Coll, Ph.D.

Charles Pitts Robinson and John Palmer Barstow Professor Emerita, Brown University
Adjunct Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Puerto Rico

“Perspectives in the Study of ‘Minoritized’ Children and Families: The Need for a Paradigm Shift”

Abstract: Historically, both theoretically and empirically, “minoritized” children and families have been predominantly studied from deficit perspectives. More recent theoretical frameworks identify shortcomings in our prevalent theories, constructs, and empirical approaches to these populations. A paradigm shift is needed that will start by examining critically our graduate training, our prevalent research methods, and our mechanisms for funding and publishing.

Thursday, September 29, 2022
The 2022-2023 Child Study Center’s Lois Bloom Lecture
4:45 p.m., Location: 127 Moore Building
Registration required
Light reception to follow

Headshot of Beth Stormshak

Beth Stormshak, Ph.D.

Philip H. Knight Chair and Professor,
Department of Counseling Psychology and Human Services,
University of Oregon

Headshot of Beth Stormshak

Beth Stormshak, Ph.D.

Philip H. Knight Chair and Professor,
Department of Counseling Psychology and Human Services,
University of Oregon

“Parenting Skills and Child Development: The Importance of Positive Parenting and the Future of Skill-Based Approaches to Parenting Intervention”

Abstract: Many parenting interventions include a construct called “positive parenting.”  What is positive parenting and why is this construct central to family and parenting skill interventions?  This will be a discussion oriented presentation which will focus on the core components of positive parenting, interventions that have demonstrated effects on positive parenting, and implications for large-scale community dissemination across different cultures and contexts.

Co-Sponsored with the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center

Dr. Stormshak is also presenting the BENNETT LECTURE
Thursday, October 20, 2022
4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., Location: Bennett Pierce Living Center, 110 Henderson Building
Title: “Navigating Prevention in a New Era of Telehealth and Online Service Delivery”

Wednesday, October 19, 2022
4:15 p.m., Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, Room 122

Headshot of Margaret Hagerman

Margaret A. Hagerman, Ph.D., Mississippi State University

Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator, Department of Sociology
"White Kids on Racism and Trump: The Political Landscape and White Racial Learning Outcomes"

Headshot of Margaret Hagerman

Margaret A. Hagerman, Ph.D., Mississippi State University

Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator, Department of Sociology
"White Kids on Racism and Trump: The Political Landscape and White Racial Learning Outcomes"

Headshot of Eleanor Seaton

Eleanor K. Seaton, Ph.D., Arizona State University

Professor, School of Social and Family Dynamics
"Reflections on Antiracist Research in Developmental Science"

Headshot of Eleanor Seaton

Eleanor K. Seaton, Ph.D., Arizona State University

Professor, School of Social and Family Dynamics
"Reflections on Antiracist Research in Developmental Science"

The Child Study Center and Population Research Institute present the following symposium:

“White Racial Learning in Childhood and Adolescence”


Tuesday, January 10, 2023
4:15 p.m., Bennett Pierce Living Center, 110 Henderson Building and via Zoom
Click here to register

Headshot of Rick Gilmore

Rick Gilmore, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology

Headshot of Rick Gilmore

Rick Gilmore, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology

Headshot of Frank Hillary

Frank Hillary, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology

Headshot of Frank Hillary

Frank Hillary, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology

Headshot of Nicole Lazar

Nicole Lazar, Ph.D.
Professor of Statistics


Headshot of Nicole Lazar

Nicole Lazar, Ph.D.
Professor of Statistics


Headshot of Briana Ezray Wham

Briana Wham, Ph.D.
Research Data Librarian - STEM
University Libraries

Headshot of Briana Ezray Wham

Briana Wham, Ph.D.
Research Data Librarian - STEM
University Libraries

CSC Open Data and Developmental Science (ODDS) Panel Event

“Launching a Penn State Initiative on Open and Robust Research”

Penn State faculty were invited to a panel presentation with Dr. Rick Gilmore, Dr. Frank Hillary, Dr. Nicole Lazar, and Dr. Briana Wham, who are collaborating on the creation of a Penn State Initiative on Open and Robust Research. They discussed the reproducibility crisis in science and explored possibilities for this new child development initiative. This presentation was part of the CSC’s Open Data and Developmental Science (ODDS) Initiative.

Friday, February 17, 2023
9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
274 Moore and via Zoom