PI: Michelle Demaray, Ph.D.
Northern Illinois University

Co-PI: James DiPerna, Ph.D.
Penn State

Co-PI: Christine Malecki, Ph.D.
Northern Illinois University
Institute of Education Sciences
Award Number: R324A230183
Administered in: College of Education
This purpose of this project is to conduct a pilot study to test the potential efficacy of Brief Intervention Group Support (BIGS), a broad Tier 2 intervention for students with elevated social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) concerns at risk for emotional and behavioral disabilities. Within a multi-tiered systems of support framework, Tier 2 interventions are provided to at-risk students who need additional intervention, beyond Tier 1 instruction. However, many such interventions are for specific student challenges, which is not an efficient model when problems are complex and schools have limited resources. BIGS was developed as a feasible and efficient way to address a wider range of student SEB needs. Although BIGS received initial positive feedback from stakeholders, its promise for improving student outcomes has not been tested. As such, this project aims to (a) evaluate the promise of the fully developed BIGS intervention for improving the social, emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes of students at risk for disabilities and (b) examine key aspects of BIGS implementation including feasibility, social validity, fidelity, and costs.
Additional Faculty:

Pui-Wa Lei
Penn State
Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education
Postdoctoral Scholar:

Susan Crandall Hart
Senior Project Coordinator
Penn State
Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education
Graduate Student:

Hui Zhao
Student Methodologist
Penn State
Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education