PI: James DiPerna, Ph.D.
Penn State

Co-PI/Methodologist: Pui-Wa Lei, Ph.D.
Penn State

Co-PI: Christopher Anthony, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Institute of Education Sciences
Award Number: R305A200134
Administered in: College of Education
The Academic Competence Evaluation Scales (ACES) are multi-informant rating scales designed to efficiently assess social, behavioral, and academic skills associated with learning in schools. Published 20 years ago, the ACES are even more relevant today given increased recognition of the importance of such social and behavioral variables by parents, teachers, and policy makers. As such, the purpose of this project is to refine and develop the next generation of student and teacher versions of the ACES ready for use with teachers and students from kindergarten through 12th grade (K–12). Researchers will develop, revise, and validate the ACES-2 following three major phases: item development, field-testing, and standardization and analysis of psychometric properties. They will develop a secure online administration and scoring platform to facilitate use and dissemination of ACES-2. In addition, they will complete a cost analysis of the use of the assessment system.
Additional Faculty:

Katherine E. Frye
Project Coordinator
University of Kentucky
Graduate Students:

Tianying Sun
Student Methodologist
Penn State
Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education

Hui Zhao
Student Methodologist
Penn State
Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education